pure – Lord I want to give You glory song lyrics

Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1

pure – Lord I want to give You glory song lyrics

Lord I want to give You glory
For all the things that You have done
You’ve been so good and kind to me
You’re my father and I’m Your son
So I wanna give You thanks, praise and adoration for Your grace
You’ve been so good and kind to me
I want to be bow and seek Your face.

I want to be pure, got to be clean
Take my life oh Lord, transform me
I want to be pure, got to be clean
Take my heart oh Lord restore me
I want to be pure, I want to be pure, help me be clean
Take my mind oh Lord and use me
I want to be pure, Lord help me be clean

Lord I know I’m undeserving
Lord sometimes I loose the faith
Many times I’ve failed and made You sad
But Your love endures always
And when I’m down in my valley of temptation and despair
Lord, You lift me up on wings of love, I am so thankful
You are always there..

Oh Jesus lover of my soul, only You can make me whole
Lord my heart yearns to You and You alone…
Everyday Your mercy’s new, I have no choice but to prove
Lord everything I live for and ever need..

So I want to be Pure
Lord help me be pure..
Take my heart oh Lord restore me
I want to be pure
Take my mind, Take my heart, Take my Soul

Disclaimer: "The lyrics are the property and copyright of their original owners. The lyrics provided here are for personal and educational purposes only."
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