Oh Zerubbabel chosen by the Lord song lyrics

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Oh Zerubbabel chosen by the Lord song lyrics

(Verse 1)
In the days of old, when the stories were told,
There was a man of faith, so brave and bold.
Zerubbabel, you answered the call,
To rebuild the temple, to stand tall.

Oh Zerubbabel, chosen by the Lord,
A signet in His hand, your faith restored.
O servant of the Most High, your name we sing,
For the glory of the Lord, in everything.

(Verse 2)
Through trials and strife, you did not sway,
With steadfast heart, you paved the way.
The son of Shealtiel, with a purpose divine,
In the eyes of the Lord, you brightly shine.

Oh Zerubbabel, chosen by the Lord,
A signet in His hand, your faith restored.
O servant of the Most High, your name we sing,
For the glory of the Lord, in everything.

In the shadow of His wings, you found your strength,
Through the nights of toil, and the days of length.
The promise of His word, your guiding light,
In the darkest hour, you fought the fight.

Oh Zerubbabel, chosen by the Lord,
A signet in His hand, your faith restored.
O servant of the Most High, your name we sing,
For the glory of the Lord, in everything.

So we lift our voices, in a song of praise,
To the faithful servant, through all our days.
For the Lord has chosen, and He calls us too,
To be His signets, in all we do.

Oh Zerubbabel, chosen by the Lord,
A signet in His hand, your faith restored.

Disclaimer: "The lyrics are the property and copyright of their original owners. The lyrics provided here are for personal and educational purposes only."
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